I love to use my vintage items decorating. I am going to show you how to use vintage items at Christmas. Check out these fun items!
If you have been following me for any amount of time than you know that most of my home is either vintage or thrifted. Vintage items are more fun to use in decor than going out and buying something new that everyone else has. I like to be a little different and not have the same look as everyone I see. Call me a rebel but I like to be unique and maybe a little quirky that way. I have always been considered an old soul and maybe that is why vintage items are my favorite. I love the history and story they can tell.
Since I use vintage all throughout my home it becomes a part of my seasonal decor too. Christmas is a fun time to use vintage things in unexpected ways. You can pull out an old sled or ice skates and nobody is going to question your sanity. You feel like taking your amazing thermos collection and displaying it go for it! It is the perfect time to do so. Using a vintage crock or nail keg as a container for your Christmas tree… yes by all means do it! See this is the perfect season to go for it.
Scrolling through Pinterest for ideas helps, maybe I have an item I want to use but am not quite sure how, I can go to Pinterest and search that item. So many ideas pop up. There are just some vintage items that I can look at and know how I want to use them. Let’s chat about a few.
Snow Shoes

Vintage Snow shoes are one of my favorite things to use for Christmas and Winter decorating. I was lucky enough to find a really nice pair at a reasonable price at my local antique shop a few years ago. If you ever find a pair they are worth the investment. I have used them every year since and they add such a fun touch to a space. I have used them hanging off the front of an old cabinet and off a peg rack. This year they are hanging on the corner of my ladder in my entryway. The thing about using an item each year you can change up how and where you use it for a fresh perspective.
Vintage Wagon
I lucked into not one but two amazing vintage red wagons this year. You know I have always wanted a vintage radio flyer but oh my they can be pricey and even hard to find. I was strolling my local flea market a few weeks ago and the first thing I spied was a vintage radio flyer wagon. I had a feeling it could still be a bit too pricey but I asked and the man said fifteen dollars so I immediately handed over the money and ran like the wind. It looked to be in decent condition just a little bit of dirt and sand to clean up and maybe a few rust spots. I couldn’t complain for that price. It currently resides outside as part of my Christmas porch decor. More to come on that soon!

Then a week or so later I was in a new to me antique shop and happened into a booth that was having a good sale. I noticed this cute red small toy wagon and I was like now this really is going to be out of my price range. I looked and was shocked to find that it was under thirty dollars with the discount so I also snatched it up so fast. It is on my chippy white cabinet in my entryway holding an angel vine plant. I was going to sell it in my booth but knew that it would look to cute in my decor so I ended up keeping it and I am so glad I did.
Vintage Buckets

This may be obvious but during Christmas time especially I use a lot of my vintage buckets. They are perfect to hold real or fake trees especially the small ones. I have a vintage white chippy ice cream bucket holding a fake small tree on one of my cabinets and I think it adds a rustic vintage touch to the vignette. The great thing about vintage buckets is they can be used inside or outside too. I have a couple outside on my porch holding some free live clippings I found at my local Home Depot.
Vintage Baking Tools
Christmas is the season of baking and we all know that so what better time to use your vintage baking tools in a cute vignette than now. I love to use old rolling pins with a red or green handle to add a festive touch. Make some cute handmade salt dough ornaments and display them with a rolling pin or wood spoon. Use your cute spice tins as part of an island centerpiece. Crocks are always a staple in my kitchen and so bringing those out to hold wood spoons or rolling pins are great as well. Vintage pie plates and racks would also look cute in a centerpiece vignette or counter top display. Don’t forget a festive vintage apron to hang or a cute red or green tea towel to drape in a vignette. I just scored a cute Christmas apron at my thrift shop in a bag of goodies for only three dollars!

Don’t forget old marmalade or ginger jars or your favorite ironstone pieces to add to a kitchen vignette. There are so many possibilities for your vintage collections during the holidays.
Old Tins
I have a funny story to tell y’all about my favorite tin I like to use at Christmas. The elusive old Campfire Marshmallow tins can be hard to find and pricey. I had been on the hunt for some time and never managed to find one and then one day on a junk trip with one of my favorite people we spotted it! My friend Beth I joke has junk superpowers she can speak something and then end up finding it. It was only twenty five dollars too! I use it every Christmas and even in the summer around Independence day too. So pull out some of your old tins that may have red or green on them or a tree or something that resembles an item you would use around Christmas and find a cute way to display it. A cute cookie tin can hold a small Christmas tree.

I hope I have in some way inspired you to search out some unexpected vintage items to add to your collections. Vintage to me makes your home stand out in a way that maybe you don’t see too often. Those pieces spark conversation or a second glance and I just love that.