I thought it would be fun to show you a few ideas on how to create a Fall centerpiece using thrifted items. It doesn’t have to be expensive or new to be beautiful. You can have a beautiful curated home on a thrift budget and I will prove it to you.
Every week I go thrifting and show you my finds usually on Thursdays. So I thought it would be fun to show you a few of those finds styled in a simple Fall centerpiece. I don’t like a big busy centerpiece because we use those tables and it is important to be able to move them around if we need the space. Also I think a busy centerpiece takes away from my Hoosier cabinet display. I like that to stand out and not what is on my table.
Thrifted Fall Centerpiece Number One

Remember when I found this amazing ironstone chamber pot for ten dollars last week? Well it makes a great plant holder in my centerpiece. I used a wood riser that I already had. The thrifted riser I have is being used in my kitchen and so I didn’t want to move it. This thrifted brass candle holder was around 3 dollars and is perfect to add a different texture and a warm glow when lit. Next I added a thrifted amber jar, which was around two dollars to give it a Fall vibe, remember I had amber bottles on my thrifted items to use for Fall post here. The cute pumpkin was sent as a gift from a sweet follower! I love how it adds a simple farmhouse touch.
Thrifted Fall Centerpiece Number Two.

You guys I am absolutely in love with this ironstone bowl that I found at my thrift store for wait for it…four dollars!!!! It had the perfect Fall colors and patina so I knew I had to use it. It can be hard looking a big piece like this bowl trying to figure out a way to use it that makes sense. I love having it be the statement piece so I just filled it with pinecones from my yard and a primitive cloth pumpkin I already had on hand. Adding in the thrifted candle holders make it look a little more elegant.
Thrifted Fall Centerpiece Number Three

Baskets are one of my absolute favorite things to look for at the thrift shops. I seem to get lucky and find some really good ones. I like to find ones that look old and handmade. Perfectly Imperfect! This one I found for eight dollars and I filled it with dried flax that I already had. Then I added my primitive cloth pumpkin and a small cutting board. Simple and rustic to go with the rest of the space. That is another thing to think about when creating a centerpiece is to make sure it flows or matches the style you have in that room.
I hope these ideas inspired you to go to your thrift shop and look at all the items that you can use in a centerpiece in your home. You can change things up so much easier and more frequently if it isn’t very expensive. I have joined in with another amazing blog friend to share how she styles a Fall centerpiece too!
Be sure to check out how Jenn at Down Shiloh Road styled her cute centerpiece for Fall!